The cold air feels like it's burning my skin
It's a harsh feeling, and it rings in my head
As if I was abandoned somehow
Like a dog, left out in the rain

A beast without fangs can never feed itself
It just laps up the scraps it can find on the ground
And though it growls and screams with all it's soul
In it's most dire moments, it will only fail

Frenzied and panicked, I hurried to my pen
And as I cut across the paper, I found myself silent
I was shaking, I was scared
In that moment, I resisted pleading for death

Though my movements are fast and shallow
My heart feels like it's drowning in the blood it produces
Weighed down by the promise of no salvation
There comes a time when you must accept life's rules

Do animals kill without thought? Do birds fly without reason?
Is there any reason at all, for such a struggle?
There is a cancer within me that I must remove
And yet, that cancer is my very being

I am loved, I am well, I am beautiful
Like a stone on the water, trampled underfoot
Even though my palms remain empty
I am loved, I am well, I am beautiful

Like a fighter jet, running across the clouds
That tired metal fades into the air
It's wings and bullets cut through the sky
But it never strikes it's intended target

And though the snow leopard tries it's best to hunt
The color of it's lead-white fur will never change
Unable to strike from the lush landscape surrounding it
It fades into the background, buried under the cold

I am loved, I am well, I am beautiful
The rain pours down in such elegant colors
And while it continues to drench me even after death
I am loved, I am well, I am beautiful